30 January

Chess Time

by Jon Katz

Maria and I both played chess a lot when we were younger. We played it a bit when we married; then life distracted us. We thought about it again a few weeks ago, and Maria, who she is, decided to paint a chessboard on our dining room table, so it would be easy to play, and we sure wouldn’t forget it.

Since then, Maria and I have discovered the wonder and brain vitamins that chess can provide. We’ve played the game eight or ten times since we got the idea, and it’s taken hold.

We are evenly matched, which makes every game exciting in a different way. We have the same strengths and the same weaknesses. We are also pretty low-key. If a match drags on, we stop it. If we’re busy, we’ll play the game in chunks over time.

I’ve forgotten a lot and am re-learning it. So is Maria. She loves the game as I do, and I think it’s here to stay this time.

We are more apt to give up a game than spend hours agonizing over it. Most often, we play chess right after dinner. After all, we don’t have to move; sometimes, we leave the pieces to finish later.

We are both competitive but not really into winning and losing. We love playing and learning and using our brains for something new – a kind of exercise for both of us. Maria is not a good loser; she gets sore if beaten, as do I. But only for a minute or two. We always end up laughing and second-guessing our moves.


  1. I wonder if you have seen the mini-series The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix. It’s a wonderful story about a woman chess champion.

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