29 January

Bedlam Farm Journal: The Winter Pasture Shows It’s Teeth. I’m Ready

by Jon Katz

I’m liking the winter pasture.

I’ve struck a deal with B & H photo to trade four lenses for a used Leica bird and nature lens – 100 – 400 – that will open up a new chapter in my picture taking and also strengthen the flower pictures. I am grateful to B &H for their expertise, patience and honesty.

I’ll make a $600 profit on the deal, which is nice and will learn a lot from this move. The money will go to reducing debt as well as improving photos.

This is the way for me to do it, no extra debt and new challenges for my photogoraphy.

I will miss two of those lenses, but nothing worthwhile in life is free. I’m happy.  And I’ll keep the promise I made to myself to keep improving my photography. I can get beetter, but never better enough.

A number of photo manufacturers are making lenses that fit with Leica cameras, and the lenses are inexpensive and quite effective. There is always a way, if I keep looking.


There’s a lot of chatter about global warming, that doesn’t seem to be an issue yet up here on the farm. Zip loves the snow, he plays in it, rolls in, chases mice and moles in it.

He retreats from time to tome to nap on the wicker chair or in his heated cat house or on the pads and blankets e loves to sit on. He was right on time for our morning meeting.


The mornings are gray, but I still find them beautiful.

The small apple tree in the pasture is becoming one of my favorie winter photos, the snow lines in the tree are hauntingly beautiful.


  1. Truly lovely Winter photos…. And no one can make me believe that Zip isn’t one happy and contented cat. The above photo is proof of that. Thank you as always for sharing the beauty you discover.

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