28 January

The Feminine Devine And The Coming Revolution Of Compassion. We Are All Part Of One Heart

by Jon Katz

The Divine Feminine is the female aspect of the divine power believed to connect and bind the earth compassionately and kindly.

To my surprise, the Divine Feminine, which has fascinated me more and more in recent months, encompasses qualities we desperately need in our country and the world, which the men who fight for power have failed to embrace.

Featured photo, Maha-Devi, The Eternal One

We are all paying the price. The goddesses of the Feminine Devine shame the Frankenstein leaders we suffer ender.

On the other hand, the Divine Feminine embraces qualities like nurturing, intuition, compassion, receptivity, and creativity. These powerful qualities have vanished from our civic life, dominated mainly by angry, cruel, ignorant men. How much empathy and compassion for others do Mr. Trump and his followers have?

I just bought Maria a book called Purnam, Stories Of The Wisdom Of The Feminine Divine (above) by Abhishek Singh. It is beautiful, eye-opening, and timely. Many women know of the Feminine Divine, but most men have never heard of it.

I’m reading about it and want to learn more. It is eerie that the Feminine Divine is the complete opposite of the cultural and political system that is hurting, frightening, and damaging all of us.

I picked the book up when it arrived the other day and loved it so much I bought another copy for Maria.

We can read it together. Maria possesses all of the qualities of the Feminine Divine. Reading about the values of the women who helped found organized religion before a bunch of Popes and Patriarchs pushed them aside and imposed very different values. God was never meant to be a father or a male. He was meant to be all of us, one heart tying us together.

Above, Aarambh, “the beginning.”

The teachings of the Feminine Divine give me hope for the world and an idea of how real change is coming.

As women are moving to dominate the law, medicine, giant corporations, colleges, I’m getting this very stirring vision, I call it the Revolution Of Compassion that I sincerely belief is coming, inspired by the damage and cruelty male leaders are imposing on our lives, our country and our world.

The Revolution of Compassion is a pipe dream, a fantasy. Still, I believe it is already beginning to make itself felt as women worldwide speak up about the values that separate them from so many men and leaders.

Sometimes,” writes Thich Nhat Hahn, “someone we love – our child, spouse, or parent – says or does something cruel, and we feel hurt. We think it is only we who suffer. But the other person is suffering as well. If he weren’t suffering, he wouldn’t have spoken in a way that hurt us…Our responsibility is to produce the energy and compassion that first calms our hearts and allows us to help others. If we punish the other person, he will suffer more, and the cycle will continue. Responding to violence with violence can only bring more violence, more injustice, and more suffering – not only to the ones we seek to punish but also to ourselves. The wisdom is in every one of us.”

Our so-called leaders abuse us almost daily with their lies, anger, corruption, cruelty, and domination.

These are not the values of the divine feminine, a movement that was instrumental in founding organized religion and fighting for compassion thousands of years ago but has been pushed aside and forgotten by the men who still dominate the planet.

What intrigues me is that we don’t need to create a kindler, gentler, more inspirational and spiritual country, this movement already exists. I read about it as I explore and research the history of the Divine Feminine. We need this movement to flare up and march; it is, I feel in my bones, a movement that can lead, inspire, and save the world from men’s bloody and greedy rule.

I’ll be reading and learning about the Feminine Divinine as it applies to our lives in 2024. The spirits are rising; the arrogant and corrupt leaders are feeling their return and fighting to keep them away.

The people in Washington and the new generation of creepy leaders have overplayed their hand. A Revolution Of Compassion is coming.

Women birthed the earth and brought compassion to faith:  it makes sense that they would help to rise and change it.

From the book “Stories and Wisdom from the Feminine Divine.”

Aarambh (above) – the beginning.

Jiva: Mother, what was there in the beginning?

Devi: Only the “present” as when it moved, “past” and “future” were produced, and time came to be.

Jiva: So from this “now” came everything?”

Devi: Yes, but then we became prejudiced by our pasts and futures.

Jiva: And forget to be in the: now.”

Devi: …and that in the beginning, we were all part of one heart.

Jiva: …hence when we embrace the “now.”

Devi:…we become whole again, go to a place where our biases disappear, our separation dilute.”

I love this subject and will be exploring and writing about it.






  1. It speaks to the masterpieces you’ve documented originating from Sue Silverstein’s art class that I initially thought that the fantastic artwork/photo of the blue and yellow goddess had been done by one of her students.

  2. Jon, I can’t wait to read more about your exploration of the Divine Feminine. The Revolution of Compassion is one I’d like to be a part of, and I need to heal more of my hurt about being a marginalized woman I think, to be an effective part of the revolution. I meet female oppression with anger, and want to make the oppressors pay dearly. Female rage is a real thing, and it blocks any progress, and I will continue to heal it, to move forward.

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