26 January

Next Week, My First Soap Making Lesson With Cindy, The Goat Lady and Super Soap Maker

by Jon Katz

Cindy, a friend and “The Goat Lady” from Caz Acrez Farm makes the best soap I’ve ever used, thanks to her skills and the quality of her goat’s milk. I’ve been hoarding it to get through the winter and am burning through it. Cindy hosts popular soap-making classes at her farm. I’ve decided to take one.

It costs $ 50 to take the class, and you can take six bars of her wonderful soap home. I’m curious to know how something I use every day of my life is put together.

I’ve never seen soap as comfortable, sweet, swelling, and cleansing as Cindy’s, and she is now selling much of it. Although I doubt, I’ll be able to make some as good as hers. I still plan to buy my soap from here – I’m not messing with a good thing – but I’m interested in learning new skills and understanding how the things I buy and use are made.

Cindy is building a highly successful business with her soap (she and her husband run a goat farm), and Maria and I have both been impressed with her energy and business savvy. She is getting wholesale orders for her soap everywhere, and her classes are full and thriving.

My first class is next Sunday, two hours long, and I’ll be there and hopefully have some soap to take home with me. Cindy’s goats are not milking right now, so I must make my soap count. This is fun and exciting. I never had the time or will to learn new things for most of my life. I’m hoping to correct that. I’m busy and happy.

This is another intelligent thing Cindy does – teaching people how to make soap, letting them keep what they produce, and getting people to make some she can sell. It’s smart.


Cindy is among my favorite people at the Farmer’s Market and elsewhere. This is a new kind of thing for me, too. I’m eager to see how it goes. I love trying things I’ve never done, except skateboarding, skiing, and spending time at a gym.


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