26 January

Friday Morning, Farm Journal: Still Gloomy, Rainy, Still Full Of Beauty That Chills The Bone And Warms The Heart

by Jon Katz

Friday has continued the gloomy days of early winter. Rain, mud, cold, and the eerie beauty of unsettled weather. It’s always a good time for me. I love taking photos of the winter landscape. I’m negotiating for a used lens I can get by trading in two or three of the lenses I use now. Fog and clouds always make for excellent photographs.

The haggling has begun. My idea is to trade if I can pay for the new lens – a 1oo to 400 nature lens. And I won’t get it if it increases debt. The odds are against me, but it’s worth a try.

I’m working with the Leica Boston store and know and trust them. My boundary is no new debt. That may be unrealistic; I’ll know in a few days. If this doesn’t work, I’ll try something else. I love making deals with the people at B&H Photo, but I’m digging in on this one. And the crew at Leica in Boston is honest and helpful.

Being rich would help; being tough is also helpful. There is only so much bargaining space with lenses.  Climate change has been good for me in a way, the most beautiful skies. I’m going after a good nature lens to capture birds and other wildlife. The lens I want will also help with flower photos.

I’m getting more serious about nature photography; it goes well with what I am doing. And I’m in the right place for it.

This will be the third time I’ve done this, and so far, so good.

Mists on the mountain are mysterious and beautiful.

Zip was waiting for me this morning. I sat with him on a chair for half an hour. I love doing it to start the day, and he turns very calm and affectionate in my lap. He sticks his nose into everything.


My landscape is gorgeous in the fog and mist.

The hens came out when it stopped raining; they rushed to the pasture, away from the pesky Zip.


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