22 January

Photo Album At Mass MoCA: Pictures At An Exhibition With An Artist In A Museum on Sunday. “We Pray However To Whatever…”

by Jon Katz

Today, the temperature got up to 30, a giant leap. Yesterday, we got out of the cold to visit Mass MoCA, our favorite museum in North Adams, Massachusetts, about a one-hour and 15-minute drive from us. The museum is in the most prominent building I ever remember being in – a once-booming industrial mill.

How great for the grand industrial building to have a new and wonderful use. I took these photos because I love watching Maria walk through the exhibits; it lifts her and stirs her creativity. I decided to do a photo portrait of our visit on Sunday. The photos mostly speak for themselves. We had a great lunch in the museum cafe.

We walk together, but I sometimes back up or sit to think and meditate. We stay until she is ready to leave. I love listening to her explaining of the exhibits.

Mass MoCA is vast; we never see everything in one visit. But it is a joy to see Maria take in the art exhibits. I guess she is a contemporary artist at heart; the things she makes are from material that is very real to people.

This exhibit was about the Trillion dollar plus in a debate that young people are paying for education. Another American crime. No wonder the young are abandoning college.

Maria is transformed at a museum; it just feeds her soul.


Mass MoCA was once a vast mill in North Adams, Mass. The spaces and feeling are astonishing and wonderful. Enormous spaces, great break walls, huge ceilings—American industry at its strongest. The museum feels like the world’s largest art cathedral.

Maria is looking at a display about the packages discarded at airports after 911. That’s why they call it contemporary art because it is happening now.

Statement in an Internet art exhibit



  1. We love MassMOCA, too…and are way past time for a visit. The last time we made the trip up (from CT), we had lunch in the cafe, too. It was wonderful.

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