15 January

Color And Light: Emergency Flower Therapy Mid-Day For The Cold: Be Warm, Hang In There. I’ll Keep Them Coming

by Jon Katz

I looked at your flower photo and smiled as you said in your first line. Like when I smell basil, the flower photos bring me back to warmer days.” –  Thanks, Laurie.

Grateful you share beauty, thank you, friend” – K

As the arctic cold hits half of the country, I get more and more thanks and pleas for the color and light photos I put up daily. I am thrilled this helps some people; I know it helps me. Flowers do offer warmth and light. Right up to the new flowers in May and June, I will keep them coming; this week, I will test many people.


I got your messages about counting on the flower photos every morning. I hear you and will keep them coming all through the dark and cold days.


Zinnia makes me feel warm. If you look into her eyes, you might feel some warmth also. She is a pure love dog.


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