10 January

THe Power Of Good: More than $2,000 Has Been Pledged Today For Healthy Breakfast Snacks For Sue Silverstein’s Art Students. More Is Coming

by Jon Katz

I am deeply moved and overwhelmed with gratitude. Several different people contacted Sue Silverstein to pledge $1,500, $500, and hundreds more to purchase healthy breakfast food with protein, iron, and vitamins for the students in Bishop Gibbons High School and Sue Silverstein’s art class. I won’t sleep tonight.

Once again, the Army of Good continued its excellent history of helping young and older people in need. I’m not sure about God, but if he exists, he is believed to consider helping the needy and the vulnerable, especially the poor, a holy and sacred thing.

Whatever our faith, we are called on to help and love people experiencing poverty and embrace the small acts of great kindness that have made a difference in many lives.

Sue sent me this message tonight (she is frantic trying to get a sick student some medical care): “I am simply stunned and humbled by the tremendous outpouring of love and kindness. When there is need, the Army Of Good shines.”

In addition to those cash donations that Sue is receiving, I know of at least a score of other people in the blogging community sending food, soup, vitamins, peanut butter, and protein bars to Sue for the warm and nutritious breakfasts she offers the children who come to her classroom to get something to eat in the morning.

Some come from low-income families; some walk to school in the cold, and others’ parents are so busy they can’t be home for breakfast. Some can’t afford to feed their families three meals a day. A healthy breakfast gives them energy and keeps them warm, healthy, and strong.

For some years now, Sue has been spending her money to have soup and other snacks available to students who come to her classroom early in the morning. She keeps running out of snacks and running out of money. It was a brawl, but she agreed to let me help.

Several years ago, I told her we would provide healthy snacks if she ran out of them or ran out of money. Others have contributed steadily for some time.

(The need for this support is urgent and real, any overage of donations will go to keep these supplies flowing. For more information about what is needed, please read my blog story yesterday. She will use and need all of the help she receives. None will go to waste, the need will not vanish.)

But right now,  things are tough out there, and she is getting low on her snacks, and a few children are showing signs of being anemic. I thought it was time to move again, and I am so grateful for the response. Tonight, Sue was working frantically to get medical attention for one of her students who was ill. We are not people comfortable letting young children suffer, even if our government and so many Americans and politicians have abandoned them.

Please do not accept the words of anyone who tries to tell you that we are a cruel and uncaring country. Good people everywhere are eager to do good and help people experiencing poverty. That’s the genuine American that I know and love. Thank you to those sending checks and those sending food. It will all be used and put to good use.

Sue just texted me: “Kids will eat healthier and be healthier! Bless you all.” Bless you all, indeed. You, too, Sue, are the only angel I know, a wonderful friend.


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