10 January

Thanks To Dr. Falk, My Eyes Are Fine, And I Don’t Need A Needle In My Eye. The Angels Were Looking Out For Me Today (Another Power Outage)

by Jon Katz

Five years ago, my eyesight was in trouble. I was only seeing the bottom half of letters, and it wasn’t my Dyslexia, it was a swelling of arteries around my retina. It was indirectly related to diabetes and some other issues. Dr. Falk Β sait it was an emergency, I needed laser surgery, or possibly a needle inserted in my eye once a month. That got my attention.

She chose laser surgery and I had two laser surgeries done.

The swell and the eye issues disappeared and I went for my reglar exame today at the retina specialists near Albany. I was afraid the problems might have returned and I would get that needle. Dr. Falk said I looked “fantastic” and no surgery or needle was necessary. The cholesterol that perhaps caused this is also back to normal, I’ve been taking good care of myself and my doctors have been taking good care of me. The special eye drops she proscribed have Β been working.

She looked at the scan today and sait it was “just great.” A wonderful thing to hear.

I owe her a lot. She is a kind and knowledgeable and dedicated doctor, and I owe her a lot. I left her clinic a happy person.

Maria came with me to drive because I can’t see well in the evening when my pupils are dilated, the car lights practically blind me. I got home and Maria went to belly dancing, and then the power went out the minute she left the house for her dancing class. The power was out for a few hours, and since I couldn’t read, I watched a mystery on Amazon. Professor T. It was pitch black and I didn’t have any lights nearby. It was deliciously spooky, the dogs were all gathered at my feet.

Now the power is back on and I’m catching up. I got the wonderful news about the donations and food being sent to Sue Silverstein in response to my blog post yesterday and another today.

I couldn’t be any happier than when I learned at least $2,000 and a lot of healthy breakfast snacks are on their way to Sue and her students. Bless all of you. I’ve had it for today. Β I’m going to put up my color and light photos as promised and going to bed. It’s been a great time for the Army Of Good. Faith has been hired for regular work at Agway. People are good, given the chance. We need to get the generator out of the garage and ready for use this weekend. Another monster storm on the way, more power outages likely. We’ll be ready.

Maria spend the afternoon driving me to my eye specialist, and trying to catch up on her e-mail. It is always comforting to look up and see her there, and we got home in time for her to get to her belly dancy class. It would have been no fun if she ahd missed it.


  1. So much positive news in one day! The Army of Good is astonishing! πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™
    We, too, are experiencing random, but sustained, power outages. That wind!

  2. So happy for you Jon. You obviously have taken wonderful care of yourself to reach this satisfying outcome. Congratulations, nice going ! Clear seeing adds many pleasurable depths to our lives. πŸ₯³

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