8 January

Color And Light, As Promised

by Jon Katz

We are in for another storm tomorrow; I’m seeing those alerts about floods and high winds. I’m glad we had a sunny day today. Maybe all the snow will be washed away. Zip will be happy. He can’t make his usual rounds into the march, so he spent much of the day glowering at me from the back porch.

We are planning a massive attack on the rodents who have invaded our kitchen stove. It’s them or me. I’m signing off now; I wrote a lot today and got a stubborn headache. I’ll be in touch tomorrow, storm permitting. I’ve got to think about how to photograph heavy rain and do it justice. Stay warm, dry, and safe.

I will try and do the same. Here’s my flower, as promised.


  1. Since it happened to me also I was shocked when rodents invaded my kitchen stove while living in an old farmhouse thirty years ago. The stove was in daily use so it was a huge shock to see how over night they had fouled the top and burners so badly, and built nests from what looked suspiciously like stuffing from furniture. I was outraged beyond words. I fully understand what you mean by it’s them or me. After we did all we could about extensive cleaning, we still had to replace it as I couldn’t get past smelling it every time we turned a burner on. We could have replaced the burners of course but no longer trusted the wiring. I wish you much more success with yours. It makes me wonder about the daily battles our ancestors had when rodents settled into food and clothing storage areas. I thought it was weird they’d moved into our stove but now I see it’s not unheard of.

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