7 January

Bedlam Farm Journal, Dark And Cold Dusk, Snow And Ice – Sunday, January 7, 2024. See You Tomorrow

by Jon Katz


I overdid it today; I was outside in the cold and snow, taking pictures and scraping off the cars for too long.

I’m signing off and getting to bed early tonight. We have a lovely, sweet day at home, just as we have been trying to do for a couple of weeks now. Thanks to the storm for that. Maria overdid it also. We’ll skip chess, read, and go to the beach. See you on Monday, which is tomorrow.

Color and light just below. Thanks for all of your kind (mostly) messages. They are appreciated.

The animals get anxious in snowstorms like this; they can’t graze, and the snow is cold and wet. They are eager for their hay and grumpy with one another. We are grateful Biddy didn’t die today; getting her out of the pole barn would have been difficult.

(Dusk was challenging, losing light, and wet snow fell. My fingers and toes were icy. I eased up on the exposure (below) to brighten the pictures.)


I’m experimenting with exposure; monochrome in snow and darkness is challenging. I like this compromise.


The bucket is the oldest thing on the first Bedlam Farm and on this one. We hang it in a place of honor. Shooting into the light is different, even at dusk. It brings a bright blue into the photograph.




  1. Lovely pictures. I love the contrast. You have to be strong to love this life. I never caught the urge. I love the beauty of the snow, even walks in the snow, but not for me the feeding and caring for animals. I like reading a good book, snuggling in the recliner, and drinking something hot-tea, cocoa, or coffee.
    Thank you for sharing your pictures. I do get excited for the first snow of the season–for the beauty of the white, covering everything, for the hush of the day, and for the sharpness of the air. I rush to get my pan of snow for snow ice cream and eat several batches as the day goes on.
    My driveway is very steep so I seldom leave until the snow leaves. It’s a winter wonderland! If it lasts a day or a week, I enjoy it. It’s magical and I await the magic every year. But we don’t get a lot of snow in Oklahoma so this may be another year of no snow ice cream.

  2. I really like the one of the sheep and donkeys at the troughs (just above the bucket photo). That is a really great shot.

  3. I love the monochrome photos, so much to see and feel in the limited contrasts. And the architecture of the trees, stripped bare their green overcoats.

    1. Monochrome cameras are so different from black and white options in a wide frame camera…I think you put your figure on it, so much more depth and shading..

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