3 January

Bedlam Farm Journal:The Right To Be Happy. Up On My Wall.

by Jon Katz

I’ve been writing about my new rallying cry, “I Have A Right To Be Happy.” Life is not all about happiness, but I think we have been blessed with joy, so we try to achieve as much as possible. Spiritually, it has helped me get there more than ever before.

Maria is an artist, and she turns ideas into art. She made this hanging piece for me and surprised me today. Then she came into my office and hung it on the wall so I could look at it occasionally. I understand that life is complex, and I cannot always be happy, and I am certainly not always happy. Happiness would mean nothing if we never felt anything else.

In the spiritual world, being happy is the point of our existence. I am beginning to understand that.

But I can be happy and am. Love can do that. Compassion can do that. My heart and my life, blog, photos, and animals can do that. I am happy whenever I think of Maria and see her. I have never described myself as happy; I describe myself that way now. It just requires a different way of thinking and a different way of living.

I love my hanging piece, I can’t miss it.


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