2 January

Zip, The Minister Of Rats, Bedlam Farm

by Jon Katz

Zip is a sweetheart at times and a killer most of the rest of the time. I’m calling him the Minister of Rats. When he arrived, rats were popping up in our house and kitchen. After Zip arrived, they began disappearing.

He doesn’t like to share. It’s his farm, we are just passing through.

We found all kinds of rat body parts in the barn and outside. The rats seem to have fled the farmhouse. I’ve enjoyed watching Zip Hunt, and it isn’t pretty. He is silent, vigilant, and murderous. He’s also the Prince of the farm. He’s now the Minister of Rats.


  1. Over several days, our fierce little feline used to leave bits and pieces of rodents on our front step — a kit, if we’d cared to try to put them together. Ikea mice.

  2. It is his tribute,a gift for you to praise him. My siamese brought a green snake and left it on the steps. I fussed at her and said if you kill a snake don’t leave it on the step. She didn’t. She left field mice and I highly praised her for them.

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