30 December

Saturday Morning Mist, Bedlam Farm Journal, December 30, 2023. Kitchen Art, Lulu Seducing, Birds In Flight

by Jon Katz

Today is a rest day for us. We went to the post office, to the co-op to drop off some laundry we do for them, and to the local IGA (grocery) for some cheese. The rest of the day is for rest, blogging, and photo taking. We are concentrating on rest today and tomorrow. We never pay much attention to New Year’s, but I use it to meditate on my next year’s ambitions. I liked the last hearing a lot, and since I took care of the critical medical issues, I expect this one to be calmer and more manageable.

Pigeons are doing an overfly.

Kitchen art: Maria is putting her small pots on the kitchen window.


The kitchen windowsill is a colorful part of our interior art gallery. I never know who will show up. Ganesh is the newest addition to the gallery. And another tough little pansy brought in from the cold.


Zip chased the pigeons out of the barn, but they have returned every morning to sit on the roof. They go somewhere else for the day.


Lulu is the all-time master of the section; when she sees me, she dances for joy as she brays softly and gets me to give her an alfalfa street every morning. This has continued for 15 years, and she hasn’t missed a treat yet.



  1. My wife and I decided we were going to take from Christmas Eve to New Year’s day off (other than the necessary feeding/upkeep of our animals and firewood/ash management). We have not had a proper vacation since many years ago when I was gravely ill in the hospital for over a month. We pretty much lost all of our retirement savings paying off the medical bills, and so now only have my disability, and her Social Security, so we cannot afford to do anything “extra”, but we love to read to each other, and we have been enjoying just being with our animals, and not having to run around and do all the time. We’ve even been able to take a couple of naps! Glad you are having rest time as well. I so enjoy reading your posts/blog. It makes the world not look quite so gloomy. Happy Hogmanay to you both!

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