29 December

Good Neighbors: An Amish Market Sign Outside The Farmhouse

by Jon Katz

We are fortunate to have good neighbors like the Amish Miller family. Moise Miller and I are friends, and the family just purchased the hill and pasture across the street from our house. You can’t have better neighbors than the Amish family – they are helpful, quiet, and devoted to the land.

They’ve already saved several dying farms in our community, and a half dozen Amish families have moved here from way upstate New York. They have greatly improved every property they’ve purchased, brought farming back to our village, and are eager to work cheaply and responsibly, and inexpensively wonderfully with wood.

They painted our farmhouse for $900.

Moise came by a few months ago and asked if he could put up a sign-up advertising his food, vegetables, and baked goods stand just up the road. It was a pleasure to say yes, sure, anytime. It looked great in the mist.


  1. Thank you for the occasional updates on your Amish neighbors, and the very positive impacts they are having in your community. It’s so wonderful and important that they are reviving and improving those old farms, bringing them back to productive life. And how lovely that they bought the property across the road, so that you know you’ll always have those good neighbors there!

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