Maria and I have decided that we need to slow down a bit and rest this coming week. Maria is not an easy person to get to rest. I’m not either, but this year has been intense, draining, and expensive. Welcome to the club that we are all in. I am mindful of the fact that I suffer from nothing that almost everyone doesn’t suffer from.
The Internet can be liberating or a trap that grips and won’t let go.
We don’t take long vacations, in part because of the farm and in part because it’s not something we can afford right now, this year was a wild one from a roof that was falling apart to some medical crises.
Maria was carrying a heavy load almost all year, and it pains me greatly to see her tired. Until recently, I haven’t been able to help her. I can help her now, and things are easing. But she needs a rest, and so do I.
Maria has had a stirring sales streak of potholders, quilts, magnets, and notecards. That has tired her even more than my medical procedures. This new world is complex, with emails, texts, shipping, and postage issues. Selling things is only the beginning. Then the real work starts.
Neither of us is much good for sensible rest; we love to work. But together, we can ease it up and watch and support each other.
We have a good plan. We will make this coming week, the time between Christmas and New Year at time to rest, sort of.
We’ll be away Tuesday and Wednesday, and when we get home Thursday, we will scale back our online work and get some real rest until the end of the week. I’ll happily keep my promise and post color and light photos daily and some other pictures. For me, that’s not work.
Otherwise, there are no devices, emails, and, indeed, no news. My Iphone will get a rest also.
I will not go online, read or respond to emails or texts, or write lengthy posts or pieces. By resting at home, we won’t need to hire anyone to watch the farm, and we won’t need to pay for our sleep. And so we can also pay our property taxes, which are due next week. It’s never dull around here.
If normal is the right word for us, everything will return to normal a week from Monday. The blogs (mine and Maria’s) aren’t shutting down but are cutting back for the week. I won’t be online at all on Tuesday and Wednesday, including Color and Lights. I’m announcing this now; she’ll write about it on her blog in a day or so.
Those of you who have been following our blogs closely understand that it has been a tiring few months for us. Those who haven’t probably won’t notice.
Our health and creativity need to slow down for this week. I’m doing very well, but rest will make it all better. I will, of course, be exploring my photography during the week. I’m sure there will be some photos, but few words.
I don’t want or need to do anymore for this week, and Maria feels the same way. Thanks for understanding. We won’t be dead or disappeared. Color and Light, which many people depend on in the dark days, will resume next Thursday. I appreciate your attention and support more than I can say.
We are tired in the soul. Rest and a few good books will work miracles.
your presence is always felt……whether in photos…or writing……or not. Yes, a time to rest and rejuvenate……and reflect. May the next week bring you all of that…..and much more! Warmest wishes from our house to yours………….
Susan M
I like the idea of taking the time between Christmas and New Year’s to reset. I’d like to be intentional about gathering my internal resources, staying off of the phone and internet and taking a beat. Even though some new and unexpected responsibilities will keep me from being able to entirely cocoon, I can still do that in my mind and heart. Enjoy your time off, and have a peaceful Christmas.