22 December

Waiting For Me, Morning Meeting With Zip

by Jon Katz

I come out of the house every morning to check on the animals, help feed them, and sometimes take photos. Zip is always waiting for me now; he shows up a little after 7 a.m. and waits for me for about a half hour.

He vanishes and goes off hunting if I don’t show up or am distracted. Our cats love to sit on the back porch in the winter; the sun shines directly on them, and Zip’s coat is warm.

Most days, I see him and go outside, and we talk, and I stroke him and hold him for five or ten minutes. If he sits on my shoulder, his favorite place, I will hold him longer and stroke him until he yawns or purrs.

This morning meeting is new, but it has come to mean a lot to me and is a beautiful way to start the day. I rarely see Zip during the day; he’s quite busy, but he always surprises me at odd moments outside and waits in the same spot around 4 p.m. for our second meeting of the day. It’s usually our last.

This phot was taken through the back door, if I open it, Zip jumps out towards me and ruins my photo. If I’m inside looking out, he doesn’t move.

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