22 December

Color And Light. Christmas Is Just Around The Corner

by Jon Katz

I feel the world is slowing down a bit for Christmas. I’m thinking of all those people stuffed into small plane seats and getting up early on Christmas to buy iPads and smartphones. I’m thinking of all the good people who grasp what Christmas means and make it a day of remembrance, gratitude, and fulfillment. We’re all in together; however, we celebrate the day.

I also think of the family fights that raged over every Christmas dinner I had as a kid. Maria and I don’t do that anymore.

I’m offering up my flower pictures daily as a token of light, love, and beauty. That’s what my flowers mean to me, and I suppose it’s what Christmas means to me.  Money does not, as advertised, bring peace of mind and happiness. I had to go inside of me to find that. I wish you all a holiday of real meaning and compassion.


  1. thank you Jon, for love, light, color……and warmth, always. I wish you and Maria a peaceful and quiet time together both at home, and at the Inn………. may you continue to nurture each other and embrace life every day
    Much love to you both
    Susan M

  2. Jon, thank you for sharing your art and passions with us. All year I have looked forward each day to see your pictures, and read your heart on the page. Have a peaceful Christmas with Maria.

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