21 December

Starting The Day: Zip And Jon’s Morning Meeting In Black And White, Cold Or Wet, He’s Waiting For Me

by Jon Katz

Zip and I have a beautiful thing going. I don’t care for labels so that I wouldn’t describe myself as a cat person. I love donkeys and dogs as well. Every morning – it was frigid this morning – I go outside to take a picture or help feed the animals.

Every morning, Zip is up on the table on the back porch, watching the door and waiting for me. I come over to him and hold him, rub his ears, and scratch his back. He purrs, moves around, and always stops with his head under one of my hands.

We spent about 15 minutes together, and then he set off to do some hunting and exploring. It was too cold for me to stay out longer, but I have come to treasure these meetings – we also have one in the afternoon, around dusk.

Zip came from the angels to stir me up as I approached yet another stage of life. Life is like that; it never stops coming until it does.



Zip is a flirt. When he wants attention, he lies down in front of me and shows his belly. Our morning meetings are a beautiful way to get the day started. I did manage to get my monochrome out in time to catch his head in my hand.

My new (actually old) monochrome camera. It seems to be in perfect shape.


  1. Thank you for sharing. It brightened my day to see. I’m recovering from Covid and not much joy surrounding me at the moment. But Zip is full of joy.

  2. The camera is not old, it’s Classic. You know, like classic rock music – which my grandkids call geriatric rock 🙂

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