19 December

Video: Speaking “My Truth,” A Fiber Painting From Maria

by Jon Katz

Maria and I did another video today about her exciting new fiber painting called “My Truth.” In the video, she explains what inspired the piece and talks about how she incorporated some beautiful and vintage fabric.

She’s almost finished. It’s another unique and touching piece. Maria is doing to charge $300 for it.

(Feature photo: Maria comforting Minnie the day she died.)

I love how she explains her process; people rarely see an artist do that.

We had a good time, as usual.

A woman messaged me to tell me not to interrupt Maria during her videos; it irritated her. I didn’t call the woman a grumpy old fart, as I almost did; I just decided to have a little fun in the video and deleted her, which is nourishing.

Come and see.

Maria and I have a great time doing these videos, and I constantly interrupt her at the same point when she forgets to say something is for sale and how much it costs. We bought some good laughs out of the message. Come and see.

The chemistry in our videos is unique. As a former TV producer, I recognize visual talent when I see it. Maria is at ease talking about her art, and she looks great on the screen. We never need a second try; it just comes together naturally.

She is eloquent when talking about her feelings for the things she creates. I’m grateful for the chance to do this with her. We have a lot of fun. And yes, I interrupt her, not that she pays much attention.

The fiber painting is almost done; one customer of Maria’s says she is interested in it but hasn’t decided yet if she wants to buy it. If someone reads this and wants to buy the piece, you can contact Maria directly at [email protected].

Otherwise, it will go on her Etsy page in a few days. It’s special.

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