16 December

Bedlam Farm Journal. Welcome To The Weekend: Pigeon Wars, Visit To A Friends, Macro Succulents, Limpid Light

by Jon Katz

A sunny, warmer day. A massive block of pigeons have returned to our hay loft, and we need to get them out of there in a non-violent way. This is the fall of the animal invasions – rats, mice, pigeons, squirrels. Maria put up strange light reflection tape in the loft; it is supposed to reflect the light in a way that disturbs and frightens pigeons.

We need to get them out of the barn before they breed again, which they do several times yearly. We’ll see if this works.

Animal issues crop up every day on a farm.

Zip got rid of the first round; another larger flock is back. We’ll see if this works. We have to get some materials before our compost upstairs toilet is activated, which should be tonight. This afternoon, we are going upstate a bit to visit a friend.

I want to trade a lens or two for an old, used monochrome camera. I miss mine and want to bring black and white back into the spectrum. Let’s see if I can find one that I can afford. So far, no luck.

Bud in the sun

Reflections, painting by Donna Wyndbrant, longtime partner and friend of George Forss, the great photographer.


Windowsill gallery

I love this light and its soft color, like the limpid light of Tuscany.


  1. That hydrangea bush just keeps on giving, photography-wise! Bet the birds like it too, for shelter if nothing else. Hydrangeas are not that appealing to me for my own small yard, but your photos with this one are stellar, enhancing the long view over the meadow and marsh. Thank you!

  2. All you do is want to buy things! I wish you could just learn to be satisfied with what you have, instead of always wanting something else. It’s sort of sad. Do you really NEED another camera to be happy?

    1. Ralph, thanks for worrying about me and reading my blog. Your message inspired me to write about why I am this way on my blog today. The simple answer is that I want tools that will make me better, and I hope I never give up on being batter. The answer: because that makes me VERY happy. Susan M’s message above makes me even happier. Best to you, you seem a little grumpy. I’ll be honest, it doesn’t sound like MY happiness you are writing about.
      P.S. Moew honesty. Do you really think it is appropriarte to tell total strangers what they should be doing or buying or feeling? I don’t. Think about minding your own business. It will be lonely on social media, but good for you I think, keep you happy.

  3. photos wonderful as always! I will be curious as to how the *scare tape* works to thwart your determined pigeons! I’ve used it…..but with very limited success, mainly barn swallows after they have built their yearly allotment of nests in the carport!)….. have also tried it to thwart birds from our fruit trees (no success) and ground squirrels in the garden (NO success AT ALL)……… so I hope it works for you.
    Susan M

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