14 December

The Flowers Inside. Beauty Inside And Out. A New Dimension For My Photography

by Jon Katz

Whenever I get a new lens, I discover a new kind of photography. It is bitter cold today, so I focused a bit on the flowers and succulents that Maria has filled our windowsill with. Even in the dark days, there is beauty inside.

I was worried a couple of months ago about being unable to take colorful flower pictures for months. I have an archive I am using, but I also got a new Macro lens, which has opened up a whole new dimension for my flower photography – the flowers and plants inside the house.

This is an exciting opportunity to continue learning and improving my photographs. When it’s 10 degrees, as it is today, this is also pretty cool. Maria thinks the photos are unique. I agree. This is not so much a matter of color but form. Nature is amazing, and I have a lens that can get me close.


One of Maria’s favorite succulents.

An Oxalis in one of our living room windows.


  1. In 2009 I bought a n Oxalis plant.
    It is still thriving in a West kitchen window.
    Around Memorial Day it lives in the mostly dappled shade under a chestnut tree.
    Then for Labor Day, inside she comes to spend another Winter in the kitchen.
    We live NE of Boston.
    Plants and animals are why I cherish each day.

  2. I love using my 90mm macro lens, it allows me to focus on color and fascinating patterns/forms and make some really unique photos! I joke that basically now I do landscape and macro – the two extremes, nothing really in the middle. 🙂

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