12 December

Color And Light, As Promised, For Wednesday Morning. First Thing Tomorrow, The Dentist.

by Jon Katz

Tomorrow, my day begins early with my dentist, Dr. Merryman. I’m having a cavity repaired and an implant crown implanted. I’ll be glad to regain the tooth; I lost the first implant after a gum infection. I’ve decided to go ahead on doctors’ orders with a second implant in February to replace the last lost tooth in my mouth. That will feel good, I hope.

I was thrilled to write the piece below about Subway and an Intellectually Disabled new worker there. Using the blog for good is a powerful idea for me. Here are two images of color and light, as promised during the cold days and until May.


  1. I broke a tooth right as the Covid epidemic started, and it could not be repaired, as the break was way below the gum. During the next year, I went through CT scans, removal of the tooth, waiting months for the gum to settle and heal, then the long process of rebuilding the bone, patching the sinus, more healing, then the metal post, then after more healing, finally, the installation of the tooth implant itself. I encourage you to keep going with the sometimes cumbersome process, as we know that people live longer with their own teeth, and the implants act like real teeth. I am so glad I spent the time and the $10,000 total to replace that tooth, as I can chew on both sides, and eat anything now. Even as I trudge through the tiresome bedtime ritual of manual toothbrush, electric toothbrush with 2 different heads, flossing, water flossing, and then high fluoride toothpaste, I know I am keeping my mouth as healthy as I can, and I use that time to focus on being present for each tooth. Take care! There are some ways we can keep parts of us healthy, even as some other parts are aging. Some of the aging seems to be out of our control, lol. I was hesitant to write about this to you, as it is all very well to tell other people what they should be doing, but I have identified with and taken courage from some of your posts about surviving anxiety, panic and trauma from family. (And I adore and throw myself into your flower photos.)

    1. Carolyn,
      I congratulate you on your persistence, which has proven so successful even though it was much slower than expected. How rewarding!

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