1 December

This Is Us, Our Life, Our Story, Our Home. Bedlam Farm Journal, Macro Unit

by Jon Katz

I’m off to the Mansion for my meditation class this morning, bringing boxes of sweaters, jewelry, and books. It’s getting close to Christmas.

I’ve got some special reading to offer, and we will try to meditate for a record of 10 minutes together. Today’s topic is breathing and gratitude.

I did some macro lens experimentation this morning. Come and see. Photography is all about practice and trial and error for me. I hope to offer the best possible pictures and will keep working to improve them.

My new motto is going up in the Journal log. I found an old sign that says it all for us:

“This Is Us, Our Life, Our Story, Our Home.”  That says it all.

Windowill Sill flower.

Windowsill succulent.

Windowsill sun.


Reflections at sunrise on a living room wall.


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