30 November

Meet My New 60 MM Macro Lens, I’m Figuring Out It. Getting Close….

by Jon Katz

Getting a new lens is exciting for me, I feel like a little get getting a toy he has always wanted. I’m glad, in a way, that I can’t afford a new Leica lens that would take away the excitement of rooting around for months looking for an older one. Leica glass is good wherever it is, and I had a good day experimenting with the new lens.

It only attaches to the camera if I hold it a certain way, and like macro lenses, it has to be very close or a few yards back to function and focus.

But the color and detail are lovely, and I think it will make the flower photos and some of the winter pasture images deeper and richer. I learned much today; trial and error are essential when using a new lens. It’s pitch black at 4:30, which sometimes deflates me; I’m a creature of light and color.

I’m turning on the anti-depression light my daughter Emma sent me a few years ago. Shrinks created it, and is good at dusk in the dark days.

A blog reader reminded me of the time the Rev. Billy Graham, who I was covering as a reporter, took me aside after I complained about gasoline prices and told me in no uncertain terms to never speak poorly of my life, or I would turn out to be a nasty old man.

Enough nasty people are running around in America. We don’t need another one, young or old, male or female. I think most of them are in Congress, the joyless capitol of legislators.

I like being an old man who is opening up and softening up. In my mind, that’s the only way to grow old. It took me long enough to get there.

What’s the point of living a long and full life if I’m going to turn nasty? I like being grumpy sometimes, but that’s as far as I go. I hope you enjoy the macro photos; I’ll keep experimenting with them. I’m excited and definitely keep the new (used) lens.


I spent some time this afternoon as the sun poured into the living room to get close to some of Maria’s succulents, which have rich and individual shapes and colors. While doing that, I started to learn how to use the new lens.

The windowsill gallery is a nice place to test this lens, it is backlight, and the shapes are all original and interesting. I will have a lot of fun in the Spring.

This is a reflection of the sun on the bathroom carpet. I thought it was beautiful and the macro lens captured it in the shadows.

I shot this through the hanging curtain, which looks strange but beautiful to me.

I love the succulent on the left, the way it hangs down is exotic and almost eerie.







  1. You are getting me interested in photography, Jon. Also, I’ve commented on your spiritual posts, but I have to say I appreciate your understated humor, too -“most of them are in Congress” and” I like being grumpy,” etc. Your blog is a great read on so many levels

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