28 November

Victory: We Got 12 “Ugly” Sweaters Today For The Mansion. $7.40. And A New Sign. “This Is Us. Our Life, Our Story, Our Home.”

by Jon Katz

The town Senior Center has a Thrift Shop, and Maria and I scored big time. For $7.40, we got 12 more sweaters for the Mansion’s “Ugly” Christmas Party. We should have enough, but if anyone has more to discard, feel free.

After the party, the residents can use these sweaters to keep warm, which is always a winter need in the Mansion.

(You can send them to Paryese, The Mansion, 11 S. Union Avenue, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. Thanks to those who sent some right away; you are appreciated.)

We fell in love with the Senior Senior Thrift Shop. The women running it are lots of fun, and they work incredibly hard. The cashier was stunned and gave them the $3 change as a donation. “You didn’t have to do that,” she said. “Yes,” I answered, “I did.” Is it my imagination, or do older women have the best sense of humor of anyone, surely more than men?

Good news, my used Leica Macro lense (60 mm) arrived. I’m on fire to try it out. First photos to come.

I always laugh when I’m around them, and they always laugh back. We should send some to Congress.

Going to a thrift shop with Maria is a lesson. She buzzes through the stuffed rooms with great speed and a sharp eye for a bargain. She melts around fabric and can’t help looking through it. She can smell a sale or bargain from miles away. She has some radar about clean and robust fabric.

And we picked up some ugly sweaters. They’ll be a big hit.

The ladies at the Senior Thrift Shoop are a joy to work with, we had a lot of fun talking to them.

I fell in love with this sign, it cost $3, and Maria bought it for me. I think it’s going on the back porch.

“It’s us,” I said, “It’s our story.” I might have to move it into my cluttered study if I can find a space for it. I think it’s the Bedlam Farm anthem. Maria thinks I’m crazy (which I am), but I’m a sucker for stuff like this. She says I’m a romantic at heart.

Maria knows her way around a thrift shop. It would take me hours to do what she does in minutes. I think we have just about enough sweaters now, we can always use more. My Mansion Meditation Class is headed for Sunday, we’ll bring the flowers.


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