21 November

Thanksgiving Prep. Zip Is Hogging The Light

by Jon Katz

As I often do in the morning, I pointed the camera toward the pasture and the sun rising. I didn’t see Zip pop up; the sun was bright. On the computer, I saw him and thought this was a fun photograph after all. Zip is a magician, as many cats are; he pops up everywhere and disappears. He got his scratch and rub.

I went for Thanksgiving seafood, but the seafood place was closed yesterday. I’m heading out again this morning and have a whole menu in mind.  I’m not giving up.

We’re staying home on Thanksgiving; we celebrate as a day of gratitude and a chance to be with the animals here. The cancellation of Christopher Columbus as a hero has made the holiday hoggy. Some states use it to honor Indigenous peoples, but corporations are using it as a commercial and tech sales holiday.

Our choice is to be together and have a day of peace and visit with the animals here. We give thanks to one another and to the lives we live. I’ll be back later to write about my eating of a computer chip. Hmmm… The day is cold but sunny and beautiful.



Zip comes out to see us every morning; he walks with Zinnia when she is feeding the animals, and he visits me when I come out.

I never tire of seeing our animals gathering for hay and also for the uneaten food in the refrigerator.


  1. Your photos show the beauty of life on a farm in the everyday moments so many of us fail to pay attention to. Those moments hold peace and beauty and contentment. Perhaps that is why so many people who live fast paced lives aren’t as happy as they really should be?
    Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to all at Bedlam Farm!

  2. I just love that cat! I look forward to seeing your photographs of Zip everyday. Thanks for sharing him with us. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  3. I miss my rescue farm and it’s beloved inhabitants. Your photos reminds me of so many beautiful memories. Photos of happy, contented animals and beautiful scenery touch my soul deeply.

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