19 November

Casey’s Getting Close. She’s Thinking Of A Christmas Opening

by Jon Katz

Casey Face is getting close. She expects to have her horse trailer renovated and ready to work in a week or so. She is taking coffee-making lessons from a restaurant chef and searching for bread and pastures to sell in her newly refurbished cart.

All she needs to do is get a certificate from the NY Department of Health and line up more bakers to make cakes, muffins, donuts, and fresh-baked bread.

She seems a little nervous to me, but who wouldn’t be? She’s worked hard for years to make this dream a reality and wants it to be remarkable. It looks and sounds very special to me. Casey has invited me to come and see the wagon this week; there’s not much work left to do to get it operational.

Casey is working every day to learn things and prepare herself. I’ve offered to spend some time in the morning helping with her breakfast, coffee, and baked goods wagon, which will be in the middle of town if she gets permission to set up where she wants. Casey is impressive. She is intelligent, hard-working, and creative. I believe it will pay off for her. We visited her at the Farmer’s Market today. She’s getting excited. Her tea and hot chocolate are superb. Me too.

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