17 November

Beautiful Morning, Bedlam Farm Friday Journal, November 17, 2023. Geese Flying South Into The Sun

by Jon Katz

Maria took this photo around 7 a.m. as a flock of geese flew over the sun. Images like this are one of the reasons I love living where I am, I could live in a city for one hundred years and not see anything like it. Nature affirms, heals, and inspires. She graciously (well, maybe not so graciously) agreed to let me put the image on my blog. I thank her. You can see it on her blog, fullmoonfiberart.com.


  1. Beautiful! Living on our little farm brings us sights we never saw in the city. Yesterday there was a beautiful red tailed hawk perched in our tree. A very majestic bird scoping out its prey! I love the geese photo, it’s glorious!

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