16 November

The Chronicles Of Zip, Thursday, November 16, 2023. The Bedlam Farm Journal

by Jon Katz

Zip and I have been busy, but we found time to get together this afternoon; the weather turned sunny and balmy. He and I sat in the big chair, with him sitting on my left shoulder, his favorite spot when I’m around. I like it when he purrs and closes his eyes.

We had a sweet and sweet time together for a half hour or so, and then he hopped off and decided to go into the pasture. He tried to lure me in with him by rolling over, and I took the bait and went into the pasture with him.

Zip is at ease in the pasture, but the animals there are much bigger than he is, and donkeys can be unpredictable. One good foot stomp could hurt him or kill him. So I stay nearby. When donkeys get aggressive, their ears go back. That doesn’t happen with Zip.

He is a big hit in there (and beyond). The donkeys and sheep are fascinated by Zip; they keep gathering to sniff him and touch his nose. He is game and patient. They are all getting to know one another. Maria and I are going to Bishop Gibbons High School tomorrow morning to check in on Sue Silverstein’s extraordinary art program. We are breaking a carload of discarded objects, from frames to gorgeous old fabrics.

Last week, I sent her paint and canvases, but she’s running out. Her students are doing amazing work.

Please feel free to send any discarded objects you have to Sue; she will turn them into art: Sue Silverstein, Bishop Gibbons High School, 2600 Albany Street, Albany, New York, 12304

The donkeys are gentle with Zip but curious. He likes to touch noses with them, and trade smells. Zip is not shy except when he feels like it.


Three big sheep surrounded him to stare and sniff. Zip didn’t budge.

Touching noses.


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