November is not my favorite month, but the November sky is growing on me, there is a clarity and beauty to it that stands out. This is a black-and-white photo.
In my family, November is the birthday month. My Na, then my granddaughter’s significant other, my 76th, my youngest grandson (he was born the next day because he didn’t have to share) and one of my cousins. We 3 in the middle are clustered around Thanksgiving Day.
Glad this was in b/w, my attention was drawn to the electric lines which provide a rhythm. In color I would have been drawn to the early winter muted colors.
In my family, November is the birthday month. My Na, then my granddaughter’s significant other, my 76th, my youngest grandson (he was born the next day because he didn’t have to share) and one of my cousins. We 3 in the middle are clustered around Thanksgiving Day.
Glad this was in b/w, my attention was drawn to the electric lines which provide a rhythm. In color I would have been drawn to the early winter muted colors.