8 November

The Rascal Returns: The Joy Of Zip In The Chicken Roost

by Jon Katz

Zip has stirred life up here. He is a rascal, full of gall, curiosity, and mischief. Every day, he finds another thing to investigate, explore and dominate. Lately, he has taken to climbing into the roost while the chickens are gone.

I’m not s sure what he is doing in there; he might be after the food we put in there every day.

He landed like a bomb on the farm and in my head. I am always laughing and shaking my head at him; he always tells me what I write and, sometimes, how I feel. The farm is lively and active, but Zip has lit it up. I never quite imagined a cat going into a roost to explore the life of a chicken. Zip is in love with the farm; he wants to know every part of it.

I don’t know much about cats, or at least I didn’t until recently. I am thrilled that Zip is living the life he wants and deserves. I don’t really know what to make of it, but I’m dying to find out. I do know that Zip helped me to heal from my concussion. I smile whenever I see him, which is nothing but healthy.


  1. well….this makes me laugh! Great pic! And makes me *hope* (though not count on)………a Zip *series* of notecards? I know you don’t wish to go that old route again…..but geez……that cat could grace a zillion notecards and I’d snatch some up in a hot second! I trust many of your readers would also! Just sayin’

    Susan M

  2. Cats love boxes! You can cut a square out of one that he can crawl in out of. They like to hide and be sneaky.

  3. My friends here in the mountains of Colorado lock their barn cats up at night. There are just too many predators roaming at night. Still their life span of a barn cat is 5 years. Take care of Zip. He is wonderful. My barn cat was hit by a woman driving too fast by my house. It’s heart breaking. Animal control was called. I HATE them. Cheers to you and Maria.

  4. He’s such a personality! And I love the way he poses for pictures in the chicken roost, or peeking out under the barn.
    I took would absolutely love note cards!

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