Okay, Bud and I seem to have one of those human-animal affairs; we can’t get enough of one another. I spent most of the afternoon getting my raised garden beds ready for winter, and Zip was with me the whole time. Afterward, I sat in a chair in the back, and Zip sat in my lap for the first time, and then climbed on my shoulder and went to sleep, purring in my ear.
It was a moment, one of those moments that bond animals and people. It just never happened to me with a cat before. I love this guy. He has grit, is bright, and loves to hang out with me. He is beginning to trust me, climbing into my lap and, today, even onto my shoulder. He fell asleep there; I didn’t want to move for a while.
Eventually, he did get up and run over to a flower garden to hunt for chipmunks or maybe even a rat. Maria came by and said, “You are really in love with that cat.”
I guess so. I haven’t worked it out yet.
I don’t quite understand why I love this cat so much or why he is so connected to me. We seem to touch a chord in each other. But why?
Below, Zip and I had our afternoon meeting. We were both tired; he is very soft and warm when he gets close. I never even really wanted a cat before; I always thought it was a good idea to have them to keep rats and mice away from the house. I was right.
aah, Jon…….. yours is not to ask why! When it comes to cats…..no *reason* can explain them! Your mission is just to love and commune with him and enjoy the *grace* and love he is sharing with you. I can definitely sense the connection…..and it is something VERY special…..especially relative to a cat! This made me smile!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susan M
You too are both so cute.
Many things are beyond human understanding. So when you get a gift like zip, and find that you’re a great match, just go with it. Lucky you, lucky zip.
Zip a dee doo dah
Zip a dee yay
My oh my what a beautiful day!
Watching the 2 of you find your connection just makes me feel like singing 💖
Oh Jon, you should know we don’t CHOOSE love…it chooses us…it just happened with a cat this time!
Jon, can’t you see that this cat is actually you, in feline form? You’re drawn to each other because you are so alike! I think it’s wonderful! You’ve found your kindred spirit.
I believe the only reason people do not love cats is because no cat has ever loved them. Cats are magical and have been part of my life as well as dogs and birds forever. Cats are magical and there is no need to understand why we love them, they are a gift!
Some cats remain aloof their whole lives and some bond with their owners. I have had quite a few in my 74 yrs. and can tell you those tuxedo cats are the best! I currently have one named Farley who continues to grow closer and closer to me. Keeps me smiling too! Enjoy all that Zip is, and becomes as the years go by….
Zfip “recognised” you. One of my cats knew me in the same way and I saw it happen with one of the cats I fostered. She was very aloof and ignored strangers but a lady came one day hoping to adopt a cat and Cassidy immediately got down from her high perch and went up to the woman purring. It happens. I have a theory, but it’s just that a theory. It’s lovely to witness.
How wonderful. It is always good to love. Zip is a special gift to you. Thanks for the photos and stories.
One of my coworkers went to a friend’s house to adopt the tuxedo-colored of her kittens: turns out THAT one wanted nothing to do with my coworker and her husband, and the kitten never budged from its spot. However, when they turned to leave a while later, a grey striped tabby had already made himself comfortable in my coworker’s large open shoulder bag. He had decided on them and packed himself to go! Now, he tends to get his paw in on inter-office communications when she works from home – to the dismay of spell-check!
Just sit back & enjoy!!
We really don’t get to choose our pets, especially cats. They choose us to be their family or not. Zip knew something about you, that you weren’t even aware of and that’s that you needed him in your own way!
Enjoy the soft cuddles, the deep purrs, the kneading and sometimes soft bites as a way of saying “Thank You” for loving, feeding and giving him a reason too.
Funny…I’m falling in love with Zip too!