26 October

My Daily Afternoon Meeting With Zip. He Waits For Me

by Jon Katz

I have a daily afternoon meeting with Zip, our new barn cat. Every day around 4 p.m., Zip comes to the back door, lies down, and waits for me. Somehow, he knows the time. I come out (no treats or food) and sit in a chair. He hops up into my lap, and I scratch him. Sometimes, I lean over and rub the area around his head. He loves that.

We meet this way for five or ten minutes, and then I get up to go into town and do some chores, or he just vanishes and heads off to hunt or inspect the pasture. I sometimes see him briefly in the morning when it’s my turn to feed him, but that is brisk and business-like. Zip is a curious mix  – he is intensely independent and has his own rich life out there, and he loves some affection and company once or twice a day. He shows up to walk with me whenever I am walking out back.

Maria took this photo of our meeting today:

This works for me. I don’t want to cuddle a cat all day, but I look forward to our afternoon meeting. It seems to be something we both need.

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