23 October

Two Colors At Dusk, A Zoom Moon IPhone Tryout, And The Soul Of A Flower

by Jon Katz

I’ve worked hard all day and feel strong without pain (some back pain). I am tired, so I’ll get some rest and leave you with two beautiful images to stir your spirits and brighten the dark. I always do better at night when I find some color at dusk.

One of the reasons I bought the Iphone 15 Pro Max, an expensive smartphone, is because of the extended work and improvements Apple has put into this model camera. One of the selling points was a greatly expanded zoom, a weakness in my other iPhones. And my Leica cameras don’t have zooms, only crops.

I looked up at the sky and saw a half moon sailing over the clouds, and I took out the phone, turned to Zoom, and caught the oon. I love the picture; the iPhone was as good as its word. The Zoom worked beautifully, and that is a long shot.

I also went through my files and came across this never-published flower photo. It seemed to fit the night, with beautiful color against a darkening evening sky. It will be November, the gateway to winter in just a few days. I’ll keep the color going all year.

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