19 October

Celebrating One Month Of Zip, Bedlam Farm Photo Journal. Twelve Photos. He Changed The Farm. He Changed Me. Zip’s Photo Journal

by Jon Katz

As promised, this photo album chronicles the life of our new barn cat, Zip, and celebrates his one-month anniversary. He has become a symbol of the place, followed by people worldwide. I will never see a cat in the same way. This afternoon, I’ll go out and sit with him as I always do and scratch him under the chin. Welcome to this photo celebration. Zip is a photographer’s dream.

Zip is clean

This photo journal celebrates the one-month anniversary of Barn Cat Zip’s arrival at Bedlam Farm. He changed just about everything, and I’ve been saving a bunch of pictures for this journal, as so many of us out there have asked for some recognition for Zip. He has certainly changed my life and Maria’s and the life of the farm – dogs, chickens, donkeys, sheep, us.

Zip has a powerful and engaging personality. He is intelligent, affectionate, cautious, and ferocious when seeing or hearing a chipmunk. The photos speak for themselves. I hope you enjoy them. Few captions were necessary. After the Zip photo journal, I’ll post some Leica flower art photos; I’ve been afraid to take the camera out for fear of dropping it, but the new iPhone is lighter. We love having Zip here,, and I love celebrating his arrival. Today is also a celebration of my return to life.

Zip’s eyes look menacing, but he is sweet and easy going.


He likes to sit next to me each afternoon in his own chair.

He considers my garden bed one of his alternate homes. Wherever I go, he comes.


Cats are clean, Zip spends a lot of time licking his paws and arms.


St. Joseph’s statue, a Zip hangout

Every day, Zip walks me to the mailbox, but he stops where Zinnia stops, about 20 feet from the road. He never goes closer, and he follows me to the house when I return with the mail. This is a new experience for me.

Zip often sleeps on the haystack and loves being fed there. He is always waiting for us in the morning.

His lookout over the pasture. He loves to gaze out towards the hills and the marsh.

Once or twice a day bring him a few treats, and he eats them out of my hand.



  1. Great photos! Glad you and Zip found each other 😊 there is something about these tuxedo cats… we have recently had one move in with us, our house is now hers and we are just fine with that 🥰
    Love reading about your adventures ❤️

  2. He has definitely changed the whole mood of the farm. What a welcome addition. Everyone but the chipmunks agree. The chipmunks know they’ll have to step up their game. Time will tell which are the most cunning. Hate it for them but I believe Zip will eventually win. In the end Zip will out smart everyone. Like I said, time will tell.

  3. Zip walking with you to the mailbox brought back memories of a cat I had named Stroh’s. He would walk to the mailbox with me (I lived/worked on a farm at this time), not go near the road and walk back. If there was snow on the ground, he would jump onto my shoulder, sometimes sit in the hood of my jacket to go with me to get the mail. A stripey cat with 4 white feet, white chest and a “snowflake” on his nose; I never saw muddy feet on him, he was fastidious about keeping clean, and a great mouser (among other critters). I could tell so may stories of this cat, I swear he was a human in a cat suit, such a personality!

  4. Hi Jon,
    I just finished reading Running to the mountain for the 2nd time and loved it more than the 1st. I hope you write more non fiction. I loved all your books. I’m glad your happy now .
    A great fan. By the way, I love the Northshire Book store too.

    1. Thanks Cindy my blog is my living book now I’m quite content. No more books from me, and nobody wanting to publish them if I did want to. I don’t.

  5. Following the chronicles of your life with Zip add a bright start to my day. Lucky you, lucky zip, and lucky us!

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