17 October

Bedlam Farm Journal, Morning, Tuesday October 17, 2023. Grazing, Blue Sky, Zip At Dawn, Displaced Hens, Pigeons Praying

by Jon Katz

“Nature is the part of us an urban world is missing. For it, we have substituted crowds, noise, and perpetual motion. Was it worth it?” ” – Joan Chittister, Grace-Filled Moments.

It’s getting colder; the green grass is yellowing.

By next week, we’ll feed hay to the donkeys and the sheep; they will be disappointed; they love fresh grass the best. But they will eat almost anything green as the weather changes. Saturday, Ian McRae is coming to the farm to trim some wool – five of our sheep will get to Vermont for their transformation to beautiful skeins of wool.

Tomorrow, I get to see our chiropractor, the wonderful Nancy Burns.

Maybe she can help my back.

Yesterday, I went to get an X-ray to see if the June surgery removed my kidney stone. The hospital lost the paperwork, so it turned into a long ordeal. Thursday, I’m getting my teeth cleaned at the dentist. I’m still fending off some dizziness, but less than before. Patience.

It was dark and windy this morning, but the blue sky showed up, and I walked into the back pasture. My leg brace is working beautifully; I am grateful to be able to walk again comfortably.


The green grass is disappearing, but the animals always find something to eat. Hay next week from the barn.

I call this “Pigeons in Prayer. ” We are launching a peaceful but persistent assault on the pigeons. I will miss them, but they have to go.

Zip appeared out of nowhere to demand some quality time with me. We had a nice long neck and shoulder massage.

The Imperious Hans have been Out Imperioused. Zip chased hens away from the porch and the lilac bushes; he’s claiming his territory. they have retreated (happily, it seems) to the pasture side of the barn to escape the Equally Imperious cat. I think they’ll be back in the Spring. We miss seeing them out there in the backyard.



  1. That Zip is full of surprises! Never had a cat that chased hens….even so- I doubt he would harm them….he’s probably just *claiming* as you mention…..and they will get used to his antics! One chase by a riled up hen may thwart that habit! I am glad that at least walking with the new brace is working well, Jon. The remainder of your recovery has required you to be very patient and I admire you for being so…… many times that is the most challenging part. Waiting…….and resting, but I believe you are conquering both aspects quite well.
    Susan M

    1. Lynda, I couldn’t agree more my two cats whiskers are black. The white is striking on Zip. I immediately looked at mine when zip first appeared. And those darling little boots on his feet. 💛💙

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