16 October

Blog Support. We Are Just Getting Started. Help If You Can. A Lot More Is Coming…Heads Up, Zip.

by Jon Katz

The blog is going through some exciting changes. Traffic is way up; there are all sorts of neat things planned for this coming year – more flower photos all year, Zip, Maria and her magical studio, the animals, the search for spiritual life, essays, winter pasture photos, as well as portraits, and occasional political perspective, Casey’s dream and the dreams if any others, including me.

You don’t need a big pitch. You look at the news, too; I think I can help offer something better, kinder, and more thoughtful than what we see coming from Congress or the mainstream media. My blog is a memoir, not a book or newspaper; It is unique and ever-changing. I don’t know of one quite like it.

I’m working hard to prove that my photography and pictures will remain essential to the blog experience.

If you value the blog, please help and support it. I consider it my living memoir; it’s the story of a life and the lives around me. It’s the story of life itself. You’ll see a lot of truth, but you will also see many good and uplifting stories.

You can support the blog here – the blog is free, and all contributions are voluntary – or via Paypal, [email protected], or Venmo, Jon Katz@Jon-Katz-13 or by mail,  Jon Katz, Blog Support, P.O. Box 205, Cambridge, N.Y., 12816. Small contributions help as much as big ones; they add up.

These are tough times, and my blog is a tough and evolving work in progress. I hope to keep it useful and afflicting without being stupid. We’ve even spawned a book club that people are liking. I’m on a campaign highlighting dreamers, mostly young people, and their fantastic work. And there are always animal stories from Bedlam Farm – dogs, cats, donkeys, sheep, and Imperious Hens.

The blog has become something of an online community. It transcends polarization and is read in every state of the union. We don’t do labels or hate mail here.

Please help this story to continue and deepen.

Help support it if you can, and stick around if you can’t. I understand. We do a lot of good, and the story of the farm and our dreams can lift some spirits. Thanks. I’ll work hard for your support; please keep us going.   I like to think we matter. Dreams matter. I am living mine.

The blog costs my readers nothing, but I can’t say the same is true of me. The blog and the farm cost money to maintain. If you enjoy the animals here, then help us support them. I also appreciate being paid for my work, and I work hard on behalf of my blog.



The flower bed holdouts are hanging in. I’ve got plenty of beautiful flowers to last through the winter when these hardly flowers give out A hard frost is coming soon.



  1. I’m excited too Jon , to be a part of a loving , compassionate community. I seek them out all the time . Thank you for creating this safe space of love,which is so needed.
    Peace to all.

  2. I just started my blog support last month. I so look forward to your community posts, so I gladly make contribution!

  3. I’ve been following your blog for several years and love how it and you are evolving. Your photos are amazing and your story and Maria’s are inspiring and ‘ordinary’ at the same time. I found it easy to set up monthly payments via Paypal and am happy to be part of your supporting community.

  4. I love your new masthead – but what happened to the sheep? Surely they deserve a space with Zip, Zin, the donkeys and the chickens.

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