9 October

My Friend Cindy, Back To You For Your Good Words, Blessings To “Uncle Chuck…”

by Jon Katz

My friend Cindy Casavant, a/k/a “Goat Lady,” owns and runs a goat farm with her husband Larry.  I met her at the Cambridge Farmer’s Market a few months ago. She wrote about me on her blog today. She said nice things about me, and I was blushing and surprised. I don’t see myself in the very generous way she sees me (she does compare me to her Uncle Chuck, who she said was kind and caring).

It meant a lot to me.

That is not always how I have been described, but I’ll take it and am touched by it.

Cindy and I are good friends; I feel it. She and Maria are friends as well. I hope to give her a meditation class this week; she works like a fiend all day, and Maria and I are pushing her to slow down.

Our friendship was born in soap. On top of working 10 to 12 hours daily, Cindy makes the best soap I have ever used. I buy a different flavored bar every day; I don’t want ever to run out.

We also are addicted to her goat cheese and lotions. On top of that, she feeds about 100 goats in a day. Her husband, Larry, has back issues right now, and she is working twice as hard. We will meet on the phone for her first meditation lesson on Wednesday morning.

Cindy combines the best of people and the best of farmers.

I’m grateful to Cindy for saying these nice things about me, and I would urge any of you looking for the best soap ever to go to her website and look.

The first time he blogged about me,” wrote Cindy on her blog, “his followers on his blog shut my website down. I had no idea what was going  on and why I was getting calls about my website and later was sent the blog he wrote.”

Cindy is not a part of our unique and very supportive community. She has no idea how much we love to support people.  Check her out, along with her excellent blog and photos and stories about goats. She’s worth knowing.

Feel free to e-mail and support her brave  war on overwork and anxiety.

She’ll get through it; she is very talented and hard-working. And she is turning out to be a shrewd marketer.  Her e-mail is [email protected]. She’s the real deal. She needs to accept that she can’t do everything in a single day and slow down and take care of herself. Besides, I need that soap.

Thanks Cindy, Bless You Uncle Chuck.

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