8 October

Bedlam Farm Journal, Sunday, October 8: Reinforcements Arrive, Emma Is Here. Going To The Farmer’s Market, Going To The Movies

by Jon Katz

Reinforcements! Emma came for the weekend to visit and help us out.

She’s been wonderful, cooking, cleaning, feeding Zip (and loving him), keeping me from toppling over, doing the dishes, and freeing up Maria. She’s been feeding Zip, and he took to her right away. She is a cat person, and having her here for a couple of days is great.

Emma and Maria are the two people who know me best on the planet. Having them here and accepting their love and concern with grace is healing and affirming. I hope to see Casey and her food and drink at the Farmers Market.

This afternoon, I’m taking Emma and Maria out to Williamstown to see the movie Bottoms.

Yes, I do know it’s a teen sex comedy, but it sounds like fun and a movie with a lot of laughs. Then we’re going out to dinner at the Asian restaurant there. This feels like a particular day. I’m still coping with some pain in my back and with some dizziness. I did sleep well, thanks to my cannabis tablets.

I’m not taking any during the day and keeping the amount the lowest possible.  And I’m being well cared for. More later.


Three sheep watching Zip

Begonia wet


It rained of course.


Community flowers


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