8 October

Bedlam Farm Journal, Sunday, October 8, 2023: A Funny Movie, Zip Eating Dinner, Four Beautiful Flowers, Cannabis Report, A Dinner of Tofu, White Beans, Arugula

by Jon Katz

My daughter Emma is visiting this weekend; we all went to see “Bottoms,”  a wild and funny comedian about two lesbian girls desperate for love,  directed by Emma Seligman. This is a funny and lively movie about two lonely, oddball girls looking for ways to get the school’s cheerleaders to love them.

They start a fight club, which the school reluctantly improves, and the dumbass football team sets out to destroy it.

The plot makes little or no sense at all, which is deliberate, and Seligman just dropped all conventional wisdom and Hollywood no-nos and ran wild. Maria and I and my daughter Emma liked this movie and laughed often.

There were a lot of good clicks here,  especially former N.F.L. running back Marshawn Lynch as the fight club’s hilarious faculty adviser and Rub Cruz as Hazel, a cool classmate the girls can’t quite see or grasp. I think we’ll be seeing him in a lot of movies.

I loved the revelation that victims can become perpetrators quickly enough; the wheel turns and turns.

None of the story makes any real sense, but there are a lot of laughs and sly commentaries on the joy and challenge of being queer and in love. One suggestion in the film is that women get tougher sooner.

The film doesn’t seek to be serious, but it portrays the torment often inflicted on young and gay students.

I recommend it, and it’s okay for teens and up. The expectations should be lots of laughs and good satirical fun.

Nobody escapes some ridicule in this one. It’s not a great movie or a classic, just a good and fun movie, a lovely couple of hours. Seligman was not shooting for the moon.

My daughter Emma is cooking for me and Maria tonight – crispy tofu, arugula, and white beans.

Sounds great. I’m signing off for tonight; it’s time to rest and read. I’m getting a bit better every day.  See you in the morning.

My Cannabis report. My two small gummy bears are helping me to sleep quite dramatically. I take two small of the smallest doses before bedtime, and I am sleeping longer and more deeply than in years. I’m planning to continue this treatment. I leave two regular (non-cannabis) gummy bears with melatonin out for when I wake up after five or six hours of sleep.

I have taken none of the day-relaxing cannabis tablets since the first one. I was a little too happy for morning work. I’ll try a half-gummy bear on an evening or weekend. The sleeping cannabis is working for me.

Blue skies as a chilly weather system moves into our area. It’s still raining on and off, but the atmosphere is lovely, the dark clouds and the blue sky fighting.

I’ve started going back into July and August for flowers I haven’t posted yet. I don’t want to waste them, and my garden is beginning to stumble. Here are two, above and below.



  1. lovely pics as always…..and SO glad you are having a good weekend with Emma there……..it is healing all around
    Susan M

  2. Jon, can you share the dosage and brand of cannabis? I live in CO and can easily purchase it. I bought gummies for falling asleep and another kind for waking up and falling back to sleep……they gave me weird dreams, so I quit. It was a pricey experiment. I dunno if it’s illegal to mention the dosage and brand, if so trash this comment! This said, I am glad you are getting better……nothing like a good night’s sleep!

    1. Jean, sorry, I’m not comfortable sharing the brand of cannabis, the dosage is the lowest available and the brand is very local. People should contact experts and professionals for something like this, and I don’t want to be responsible for recommending something that is not healthy for others. Good luck with it.

  3. Your photograph of the stormy-looking clouds roiling above the brilliant blue sky is just spectacular! Thank you so much, Jon.

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