28 September

Zip: Breaking News. His First Jump Into A Lap, His First Visit To The Back Porch, The Bedlam Farm Resting Home For Cats,

by Jon Katz

Zip crashed through two barriers this afternoon. He has been too early to come to the porch when he has been here. He has never allowed us to pick him up or jump on our laps. This evening, while Maria was on the porch reading, I looked through the window and saw him on the porch and then in her lap.

When I went out to see them both, he tried to jump up on my lap, and I hit him on the head with my Iphone by mistake. He took it in stride.

His claws were in my knee.

He tried again, and it went more peacefully. But he’s not coming into the house and shows no signs of wanting to, which is good. And he has no problem being alone and exploring the grounds. He is his cat, for sure.

Day by day, Zip has explored most of the farm – he hasn’t gone into the dog kennel yet, nor the Pole Barn. He spends much of the day in the gardens and the lilac bushes. I suspect this won’t be the last time I see him in Maria’s lap while she reads outside. This is a love story that keeps on giving.

Zip is also a gift from the photo Gods, who love animals who are black and white. Thanks to them.


  1. Such sweetness and contentment.
    Zip seems to have the best of both worlds -freedom and connection, on his terms of course (very cat like).
    Reminds me very much of the tuxedo cat rescued and given to me at less than a week old. Miraculous she lived.
    Smartest cat I’ve ever known, although she reserved her sweetness and attachment for my husband. I was simply the one who bottle fed every 2 hours and kept her warm and protected until she was strong and healthy enough to take care of herself. A good lesson for me to give without expectations – the true sign of nature giving (in my opinion)
    Love seeing the life of Zip on Bedlam Farm unfolding!

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