20 September

Bedlam Farm Journal, Wednesday. Big Day At The Farm. Zip’s Liberation, Female Author Festival, The War Against Mediocrity, Another Surgery Monday

by Jon Katz

You got to fight every day to keep mediocrity at bay, Got to fight with all your might not to get in the bleeding heart’s way…” Van Morrison, Keep Mediocrity At Bay.

Today is a big day at Bedlam Farm. Our newest animal since Zinnia, our barn cat Zip, will be released from his crate and welcomed into the Peaceable Kingdom; we hope our farm is and stays.

I have another surgery on my foot to prepare for this coming Monday, and I’m continuing to work on a work/rest healing strategy for my battered brain (no laughing, please.)

I have some reading time planned, and I’m having a female author festival, which I’ll write about later this morning – four new women writers for me to try out; I’m excited to share this turn.

I had trouble sleeping when I listened to Van Morrison for hours last night. I love the idea of working and fighting to keep mediocrity at bay. I’d rather fail than wallow in mediocrity.

We’re letting Zip out just after breakfast.

These are the most photogenic hens I’ve ever had, and got to get ready for my weekly Zoom meeting with blog readers. I’ll be home writing all day. On Monday, another surgery to straighten out my toe so I could use my brace. Back to the surgical boot for a week. Life will go one, my world is nothing if not exciting.

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