19 September

Zip Update: Tomorrow, He Will Be Inducted Into The Bedlam Farm Peacable Kingdom. We Think He’s Ready

by Jon Katz

Tomorrow, it will be just about two weeks since Zip came to us, we both feel he is happy to be here and knows where he lives. He and Zinnia became great pals- she is the welcome at Bedlam Farm – she is getting used to the fact that Zip almost never stops moving (unlike Minnie, who often didn’t move much at all).

The two of them seem to love each other. Fate is not interested.




We’ll probably release Zip tomorrow morning. You never really know what a barn cat will do, but this afternoon, he was all over both of us eager to be scratched and rubbed.

Zip was flirting with Zinnia, rolling over on his back and showing his vulnerability. He picked the right dog. Zinnia has a new friend.

(above photo of Zip greeting us by Maria Wulf)


  1. Zip surely seems to be very comfortable with where he is…….. I trust his *release* will go well…… he’s got both of you, plus Zinnia to keep tabs on him! I don’t think he’s going anywhere….other than to slowly explore his new surroundings. I can’t wait! Zip-a-dee-doo-dah………what a wonderful day tomorrow will be!
    And rather dismayed to hear yet another toe surgery for you….but I believe this *is* minor (comparatively) and again, will greatly help that foot become more healthy overall! You will shine through it all, of that I have no doubt!
    Susan M

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