18 September

Farm Journal, Dusk Chapter: Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head (And Flowers)

by Jon Katz

It rained all day and is still raining; the flower bed is soggy and under siege. I took some raindrop photos in the morning and some a few minutes ago, just before it got dark. Good night, I’m off to do some reading.

I’ve discovered a gifted new and young Spy novelist named Ava Glass.

Her new book (her second) is called “Traitor,” and she is being favorably compared to John LeCarre, a first for female spy authors. The book is arriving in a day or so.

The Lisienthus are fighting hard and dying well. Their big and beautiful petals are easy targets for heavy raindrops.

This is the end of the day for me, I slept well last night for the first time in weeks. I’m determined to get back to my bed this week or weekend.

The donkeys came out braying their “Jon” bray, and hoping for an alfalfa cookie. They got one.

Hardy red, a survivor

The sheep don’t notice the rain unless it is windy or icy. They just don’t care

Flowers sagging in the rain.


Tin Man singing into flowers

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