16 September

Bedlam Farm Journal, Saturday, September 16, 2923, Flowers, Dogs, Sheep And Dusk, And Goodnight Zip

by Jon Katz

We have a busy Sunday planned. Maria and her belly dancing class are performing at the Mansion for the residents there; I’m going with my camera and tripod to get a video for the dancers to look at and keep. Zinnia is coming along. I’ll go if I’m not light-headed.

I still can’t sleep in our regular bed; I hope my dizziness improves in the coming week. It doesn’t affect my writing or photography, though I’m being urged to rest after doing it. I’m trying.

We have to go out and find some pallets to put the rest of the firewood on. The doctors say concussions take two to four weeks to get over; I’m halfway there at least. So long for tonight, time to read and rest. Maybe eat some popcorn.

Evening light lights up the flowers

The opening of the gate for evening grazing

Buds opening a bit every day



St. Joseph keeps an eye on the sheep out grazing

Strawberry Field Flower in the late sun…

Good night, Iron Raven. Good night, readers, see you in the morning.



  1. Just FYI. When I had a concussion a few years ago, I was still working. I had to really limit my computer and phone time because it would make my brain hurt and I’d feel dizzy. I found that weekly acupuncture REALLY helped. And also my husband made me nonalcoholic Ginger Beer (with lime juice and regular sugar). That gave me a boost, and as you probably know, ginger helps with nausea. I was in my early 60s and it took longer than the time they say to get fully over it. (And I was/am in very good health). So continue to pace yourself and don’t get discouraged.

  2. I had a concussion this spring. Took me longer than I expected to get over. I know it can be frustrating, but hang in there. All the best to you.

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