11 September

Sue Silverstein’g Seventh Grade Art Army At Bishop Gibbons Is Back In Action, School’s Open: Soap Bubble Paintings

by Jon Katz

Sue Silvertein’s groundbreaking Bishop Gibbons art program is underway this week, with the beautiful soap bubble paintings from her 7th graders. The kids put food coloring in dish soap and blow bubbles onto the paper. She says her students love making art in this way. Maria and I hope to get to visit the young artists in the next week or two,

There is nothing that Sue receives that she can’t turn into art.

If you have discarded or forgotten objects for Sue and her wonderful artists to make into art, please feel free to send them to Sue Silverstein, Bishop Gibbons High School, Schenectady, N.Y., 12304. She works wonders with old jewelry, clothes, paint boards, wood, and retired toys. Sue accepts all art donations, waves her magic wand, and turns them into art. Thanks for your contributions; Sue’s art program is popular and transformative.

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