8 September

After The Storm…A Little Havoc. Lots Of Floral Demage..

by Jon Katz

It was our turn to get battered again last night, one of those “severe storms” we are getting so familiar with.

Some limbs blew off the trees, the garbage containers were knocked over, spilling garbage around the yard, and many of my blowers were blown over or flattened by 60-mile-per-hour winds.

The house was not damaged, nor was anyone hurt, including the animals. The power stayed on except for some flickering. The wind was epic.

I continue to heal slowly but consistently. I’m dizzy and light-headed less, although still too often; the pain in my back is diminishing. I will continue to rest and drink lots of water. I’ve stopped taking Tylenol. Brain injuries are different from other injuries.

The Pole Barn held up well. And there was no structural damage anywhere that we could see. By current standards, we are lucky.

Many of my taller flowers snapped off in the wind, and some were bent flat. I’ll have to go out and do a better assessment later in the morning. The storm was not kind to tall stems.

The donkeys don’t get rattled in storms, but they are both dry.


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