6 September

Recovery Journal: Good Morning: “From The Dark End Of The Street To The Bright Side Of The Road…” A Road To New Beginnings

by Jon Katz

“From the dark end of the street to the bright side of the road,we’ll be lovers again on the bright side of the road…

-Van Morrison, Bright Side Of The Road.

I was on the dark side of the street early this morning,  and Maria woke up and asked me what was wrong. I said I needed to get to the bright side of the road. I haven’t slept much in a week, and I get dizzy, and my back hurts.

So, I decided to get to the bright side of the road, where I always try to be.

“Let’s dance,” I said, and Maria loved that, and we played Van Morrison’s wonderful Bright Side Of The Road, an anthem for me, and we danced in the darkness of the living room. Zinnia wanted to join in; she just circled me, her tail wagging a mile a minute.

She is right by my side this week, every minute, watching closely. The gang at the Mansion sent me a message saying they missed me and asked if there was anything they could do. Sweet, the tables turning that way.

“Let’s go outside,” I said; it was 5 a.m., and the sky was beginning to brighten. Another hot day, more heat alerts. I can’t go out together other than to grab a photo or two, and we might take a right together to get some fruit and vegetables.

I sat out until the first bugs found me and had to retreat. It was beautiful out there.

This week, I’m learning a lot about my brain, carbs, food, and diabetes; this is already paying off in several ways. I have much to learn this week, and  I am learning out. I’m getting better, slower than I wish, faster than I deserve. I’m spending the week with Tylenol.

Every sign of trouble, change, and hospital visit is a call for a new beginning. I hope that never stops. The road to meaningful aging is the road to wisdom and learning, gain and loss. I’ve learned a number of things I really need to know and should have learned by now, but better now than never.

I went outside with Maria and my Leica and took some pictures as it got lighter. What a beautiful time of day. The ravens started squawking in the maple tree, Zinnia lay at my feet all night, and Maria brought some tea. What a fortunate man I am.

I sat up all night looking out the window at the blackness and the fog. Maria kept asking me if there was anything she could do to help, but there wasn’t really. It’s a space to cross, and I just have to cross it.

Sleeping was still too much pain, although it was getting better. The dizziness is still there but receding, and I can get up and walk around by myself for the first time in a week. Today, I’ll do some blogging and writing. I’m grateful for my pictures; they speak for me better than I can say for myself right now.

This morning, I’m having my Zoom meeting with the blog friends I have made, a wonderful group of people I love to talk to. They represent the best hopes for the Internet – they are wise, kind, and generous, and we can talk about anything without anger and grievance.

Our new barn cat, Zip, won’t be coming until tomorrow. Yesterday was too hot, he hid in the bushes and couldn’t be caught. I have a good feeling about Zip, and so does Maria. We are using Frieda’s big crate to prepare a home for him until he figures out where he lives.

We are both looking forward to meeting him. Ann, his foster, wants us to have him tomorrow. We’ll be ready.


  1. I hope you feel better quickly Jon..it’s hard to have to stay still. But you see so much, and I am loving these early morning photos…

  2. I love how the colours stand out in these photographs. My kind of “thing”! I’m sorry you are still in so much pain and discomfort. Thinking of you all.

  3. your photos say it all…quite lovely. the colors in the dark and fog are fascinating. thank you for sharing your journey…

  4. You are such a gifted writer. This piece is really beautiful.

    I love the flowers and the stories too, but the writing blows me away.

    It seems as though your writing is getting stronger and more poetic.

    Thank you Jon.

    1. Thanks Rebecca, I hope so…the good thing about writing is that you do tend to get better and you can do it until you drop..

  5. Dealing with a weird malaise myself this week with either big allergy symptoms or a virus. Waiting for result COVID test (2nd one this week). I knew something was going on and I suspect more than allergies when I could hardly navigate around grocery store this morning. I am, like you, diabetic and have afib and high blood pressure both under control with multiple meds. Also depression. But also doing better due to meds. But The lightheadness worries me and I’ll go to UC if it doesn’t abate. I am following your current journey with interest. I feel an affinity with what you are experiencing even though our symptoms are different. One has to face aging as a journey and remain proactive. Maria is such a blessing to you but you don’t need anyone to tell you that. What isn’t a blessing for all of us on the east coast is the heat. AC is a blessing but the searing sunlight reminds one that going outside after 9a.m. is not a good idea. Take care of yourself and Zip’s arrival will be a joy.

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