I also take portraits of people I love, like, and respect. I guess Katie scores on all three. I admire her greatly.
Katie is the director of the much-loved Cambridge Bollywood Dancers, an Indian-inspired dancing group she founded and teaches. Once a year, she performs here and around the area. Last year, she did seven performances in one day.
. Today, she came to the Farmer’s Market to show us the dances she choreographed. I don’t expect to meet people like Katie up there, but she would stand out anywhere. She is a dancer, bartender, dreamer, and assistant to a music agent.
Blog reader, Nancy sent me this message this morning: yes…wonderful! Ganesha’s ‘Remover of Obstacles’ is wonderfully portrayed and danced. thank you, Katie.”
Thanks, Nancy.
When I walked into a Greenwich, N.Y. bar, Katie and I became friends and found her beaming and at-home tending bar in a fancy local restaurant. I was surprised. I felt like I finally saw the Katie who was living inside all that time but who hadn’t come out.
She’s out, and when we meet, we rush to hug each other (with permission) every time we see one another, which is not often enough. She is among the most interesting and creative people I’ve met; it is a pleasure to know her and watch the dancers today.
Katie is remarkable. I’m unsure how or why, but we have a powerful connection. It’s fitting she would choose a dance titled “Remover Of Obstacles.”
I met her a few years ago when she was managing the Food Co-Op; she transformed the stuffy co-op into a modern and well-run enterprise.
While she was there, I rarely spoke to Katie, but after seeing her in the bar, we just saw into the soul of one another. I guess I’m learning that’s how friendships often work.
She was pleased there. We share our dreams.
The dancers performed two dances that Katie choreographed and went to another scheduled performance. The dance was original and exciting; the Market people loved it. You can hear Maria’s belly dancing yip towards the end of the dance.
She loved it also.
The dance, like Katie, was original and hated tremendous feeling. Hear it for yourself.
I love the Farmer’s Market; I guess I was constantly yearning for community, and I feel it firmly there.
I got a flower from my friend Anne Moss and some soap from Cyndy Cassavat. I feel very welcome; the community lives here and fights to survive. Katie is a big part of that. I’m proud of you, my good friend. You and I are both dreamers (she confessed what the ultimate hopes to do, a secret still).
The dancers have a great vibe and spirit. So do you.
The dance was a big hit in the market. Go, girl.
How wonderful- thanks for sharing👏👏👏❤️❤️👏👏👏
yes…wonderful! Ganesha ‘remover of obstacles’ wonderfully portrayed and danced. thank you Katie. and Jon.
Nancy thanks so much for this post, I inserted it into the place…I didn’t get a chance to ask her the name, and this is so helpful..
Great performance! The song is Driving With Genesha. Marti Nikki & DJ Drew. Album Dreaming In Sanskrit. Thanks for sharing! Totally enjoyable to watch!
Thanks Kelly, a reader named Nancy identified the name of the song it was posted on the blog yesterday…those changes don’t show up on the Facebook version.